Date : Tue, 23 Nov 2010 09:28:36 +1100
From : msmcdoug@... (Mark McDougall)
Subject: Ban off-topic posts
On 23/11/2010 8:39 AM, John Kortink wrote:
> If you just want to be practical, that's clearly the wrong
> answer.
I've noticed lately that people give their opinions, and you (John) have a
habit of telling them how wrong their opinion is. You also purport to speak
for "half the subscribers" on a regular basis.
An opinion is just that - an opinion.
It's obvious that you feel very strongly about this topic. I'm sure a few
others are like-minded. But it's also obvious that you're at one end of the
spectrum. You need to decide whether or not you can live with that, and
either suffer in silence or start another list. But please, it's getting old
reading your propaganda every time someone offers their view on the matter.
| Mark McDougall | "Electrical Engineers do it
| <> | with less resistance!"