Date : Fri, 11 Feb 2011 22:05:58 +0100
From : nicolagiacobbe@... (nicola giacobbe)
Subject: Fwd: Would it make sense to have another cassette
Hello to everyone,
I have a small question only the greatest BBC masters could answer.
I'd like to save the wav files of many beeb programs for future
compatibility but, even with today's storage they are unnecessarily
redundant to be easily kept. Instead of relying on the future grown of
storage I would like to be able to recreate them on the fly. I mean, the
cassette files for the BBC micro are only a succession of 1200 and 2400 Hz
tones so I could just store the tone (1 bit) and duration and let the
computer recreate it. That could drastically reduce the space needed.
What do you think about? It is feasible or are there caveats that could
hinder the effort even before starting (like: program protections no
longer working or non-standard tones used?)
Thanks for any suggestion.