Date : Thu, 20 Dec 2018 17:36:27 +0000
From : mike@... (Michael Howard)
Subject: BBC Model B keyboard seizing up
On 20/12/2018 17:13, alembicprs@... wrote:
> I am trying two activate two Model B, and both have the same problem.
> One starts up with Wordwise-Plus, the other with Printbox. Printbox
> comes up displaying Printbox, but no prompts and pressing any key
> thereafter does nothing. Wordwise-Plus comes up with its options menu,
> but again no key press then works. After much powering off and on, I
> did manage to get *B. to work, and a few minutes of keys working, eg a
> short three line program in Mode5, so the computer itself is working,
> but then keys stopped again. After a few breaks, screen displayed
> 4EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE but nothing more. What is likely to be the
> cause? It is odd that both machines have the same fault.
Time takes it's toll.
I'm no expert but try a Del power on.What is the result? Take the top
off, remove the WP and the PB roms, what's the result on startup?
Mike Howard