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Date   : Tue, 15 Mar 1983 20:21:00-CST
From   : mknox@utexas-11.arpa
Subject: CP/M-Plus

Don't know Godbout's plans, but two pieces of info concerning CP/M-Plus on 
the TRS-80 Model-II, -12, -16.

o Tandy announced it for one-week delivery back in January.  Their best guess
now is maybe the end of April.  Also, it is a minimal implementation.  Leaves
a small TPA, and not all the expanded features which require bank switching
(according to reports, they still haven't shipped my copy).

o Pickles&Trout, one of the two major suppliers of CP/M-2.2 for the above
machines, has announced that they do NOT intend to support CP/M-Plus.  The
reason, they feel that the hardware is not suited to the task and that their
new ACP (a CCP replacement much like ZCPR) will make up the difference.

If I get the time (a very dubious prospect at present) I will take a look
at the schematics and see if it is really all that big a problem to do a
proper CP/M-Plus.  Don't know yet if the Tandy version has enough info left
with it to re-do the job, but I doubt it.
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