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Date   : Wed, 16 Mar 1983 1434-:00PST
From   : Dick <MEAD@usc-eclb.arpa>
Subject: FTP of squeezed/obj files

There is usually a 4 byte header at the start of these types
of files, placed there by the modem utility that is used (not FTP),
and so the files have to have those 4 bytes removed. I do this
by loading the file with DDT and moving the file down 4 bytes,
effectively copying over itself. Of course the entire file MUST
fit in ram, so large files are lost to me, the other option is
to be able to use the BILLW MODEM program, which I am told an
can remove the 4 offending bytes. I don't know the reason for the bytes
something to do with ITS, (operating sys??)
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