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Date   : Wed, 18 Apr 1984 12:02:00 MST (Wed)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: SD-82 Super Directory program now available

SD-81 has been replaced by SD-82, thanks to Sigi Kluger for the
update.  Here's Sigi's note describing was was fixed:


SD-82 fixes a bug in the VCODE routines which caused files to be
suppressed (and blanks printed instead) in large directories.
Thanks to Dennis Vallianos for the patch.

Other changes include the REVIDEO fix (SD in an empty directory no
longer causes toggle-type terminals to remain in reverse video until
manually changed). Toggle-type terminals are those which use a single
character to turn reverse video on and off.
Also, in some cases the "[more]" message remained on the screen; this
is also fixed now.

If you have the DIF and SSED utilities, you only need the .DIF file.
If you don't have a VECTOR computer, don't use reverse video, or
only use horizontal display, you can wait for the next major revision - you
will not notice any difference between 81 and 82.

                               - S. Kluger
The following files are now available on SIMTEL20:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   Sectors     CRC

SD-79A.DOC.1                   ASCII     9525   75 =  4BH  D733H
SD-79A.DQC.1                   COM       6144   48 =  30H  2D4BH
SD-8182.DIF.1                  ASCII      595    5 =   5H  514BH
SD-82.AQM.1                    COM      53376  417 = 1A1H  0790H
SD-82.ASM.1                    ASCII    78943  617 = 269H  3580H
SD-82.INF.1                    ASCII      818    7 =   7H  9756H
SD-82H.COM.1                   COM       3712   29 =  1DH  275BH
SD-82H.HEX.1                   ASCII     9049   71 =  47H  A3DBH
SD-82V.COM.1                   COM       4096   32 =  20H  B1A8H
SD-82V.HEX.1                   ASCII     9986   79 =  4FH  44C4H
SD8081.DIF.1                   ASCII     3401   27 =  1BH  15A1H
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