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Date   : Mon, 23 Apr 1984 12:48:44 EST (Mon)
From   : Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@rochester.arpa>
Subject: DU under MP/M

I have been trying to get DUV86 working on my MP/M system
(version 2.1).

This version of DU is supposed to be universal, but the
automatic adaptations for MP/M are definitley wrong--it
thinks it is running on CP/M 3, which is only partly right.
MP/M uses the same file system as CP/M 3, but its
BIOS is more like CP/M 2 (except you can't use the address
in 1 to find the BIOS jump table).

Anyway, I made a bunch of changes and it seems to work most of
the time, but I can't quit the program! It just gives a
"?" and the prompt whenever I give it an "X". I'm sure I can
track it down eventually, but I thought I'd ask if anyone
else has already tried to get DU running under MP/M.
I won't rule out the possibility that there are problems
in my hardware or system software, although it has been
fairly stable for the past year.

Mike Ciaraldi
ARPA: ciaraldi@rochester
Usenet: seismo!rochester!ciaraldi
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