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Date   : Sun, 23 Sep 1984 01:46:44-PDT (Sun)
From   : decvax!cwruecmp!diamant@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Looking for VI or NROFF clones

A CP/M program called NRO was posted to the net a long time ago.  I
believe it is public domain.  It is an nroff clone, written in C (I
think Aztec, but I don't remember).  Does anyone have the sources of
this?  Does anyone remember who wrote it?  I think it may be due for

John Diamant                           Usenet: ...decvax!cwruecmp!diamant
Case Western Reserve University                CSNet:  diamant@Case
Cleveland, Ohio                                ARPA:   diamant.Case@CSNet-Relay
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