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Date   : Sun, 23 Sep 1984 11:22:45-PDT (Sun)
From   : decvax!mcnc!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcc6!ir320@Ucb-Vax.arpa
Subject: Need UNLOAD.COM

Need Copy of UNLOAD.COM

Hi there, does anyone out there have a copy of unload.com for
converting com files to hex files.  If you do, as our local boards 
don't seem to have it, could you UNLOAD a copy of it, and just mail me
a copy of the hex or  asm code.  I'd really appreciate it.

               John Antypas
               UC San Diego

       UUCP: ...!sdcsvax!sdccs6!__/

                               ix255   Berkeley
        Arpa: sdcsvax!sdccs6!__/     \@/
                              \ir320/ \nosc
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