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Date   : Mon, 24 Sep 1984 07:46:00 MDT (Mon)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: MEX112.LBR now available

As I mentioned in my previous message, MEX112.LBR would be
available for those who can FTP ITS-binary files from Simtel20 and
need the entire MEX112 package.  If you already have MEX111, you don't
need to get MEX112.LBR - get MX112UPD.LBR instead.

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

Directory MICRO:<CPM.MEX>
MEX112.LBR.1                   COM     132736  4F50H

This .LBR consists of the following files (shown here for reference

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

MEX.HQP.1                      COM      32640  71EAH
MEX112.COM.1                   COM      24192  7BF0H
MEX11DOC.TQC.1                 COM       1664  2922H
MEX11DOC.WQ.1                  COM      55040  D7A2H
MEX11UPD.DQC.1                 COM       6400  CC33H
MEX20.HYP.1                    ASCII     2572  04F1H
MEXPAT11.AQM.1                 COM       3712  10E4H
MLOAD21.COM.1                  COM       2816  E51EH
MX111UPD.DOC.1                 ASCII      670  3A03H
MX112UPD.DOC.1                 ASCII     2317  0D1CH

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