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Date   : Tue, 25 Sep 1984 16:32:07-MDT
From   : Jim Forrest <JFORREST@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Questions on CP/M Plus

Just picked up a spare computer, TRS Model 4P at $995. It runs CP/M 2.2,
but requires booting with image first. I noticed that the CP/M Plus for
Model 4 requires no separate boot. The manual says CP/M Plus is
compatible with all previous versions of CP/M, but I saw no mention of
how to access files/programs on 2.2 version disks.

Since this is my first look at CP/M Plus, can someone indoctrinate me
on it? Reply direct to JFORREST@SIMTEL20 and not to the entire
list, please.

Thanks in advance

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