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Date   : Wed, 26 Sep 1984 18:31:00 MDT (Wed)
From   : CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
Subject: Questions on CP/M Plus

I have heard that the Radio Shack implementation of CP/M Plus is a
real nightmare. It seems that Radio Shack contracted with DRI to write
Plus for the Mod 4, and that we are now seeing the old finger pointing
game - DRI says Radio Shack screwed up on the specs., and Radio Shack
says DRI blew the implementation!
Check out Montezuma Micro's Plus for the Mod 4 - I have heard it works
much better.

(Note the above is heresay garnered from listening into the
conversations of many Model 4 owners on CP-MIG on Compuserve.)
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