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Date   : Wed, 26 Sep 1984 20:24:34 CDT
Subject: Hard disks, et al...

Thought I'd get my dime in...

  Anybody tried to interface a Quantum 40M 8-incher to a Z-100???  I just
lucked into one for $250, and the manuals show the same signals on the
drive as are supplied on the stock Z-100 hard disk controller and data
separator.  The Quantum is supposed to be SA1000 compatible.

  On putting the Zenith hard-disk upgrade into non-Heath (Zenith) systems,
the problem I'm aware of (like on my home system) is that the controller
card is not powered from the bus, but gets its juice directly from the
power supply.  On the Zenith systems, the power supply doesn't have the
output for the disk controller...on the Heathkit, it does.  Upgrading the 
Zenith requires a new power supply.  I checking now for the brave souls to see
if you could tap your own connections out of the existing supply.

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