Date : Thu, 27 Sep 1984 23:26:00-EDT
From : Herb Lin <LIN@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: dBase II query...
From: lowans.henr at XEROX.ARPA
Look in your dBASE manual for information on the "$ substring logical
operator" ... A search through the entire
database is nessessary because this is the way a dabase management
system works, it searches through the entire database record by record
till the information is found. If it finds it in record #1, it doesn't
know if record #50 also containes the correct information. If you can,
input the data ranking it in ASCII collating sequence within each
record. INDEXing the database will then put records with the same
keywords together.
Thanks, but I think this won't work. What you are describing is
certainly correct, but it will be too slow. I want something that I
can use the INDEXing part on. Essentially, I want to INDEX on
substrings, and I can't think of an easy way to do it.