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Date   : Fri, 28 Sep 1984 08:02:00 MDT (Fri)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: Public-Key encryption programs available

The following Public-Key encryption program packages are now available
from SIMTEL20.  The files are in ITS-binary format only because many
of them are stored in binary format inside the .LBRs.  If you need
these programs and cannot FTP ITS-binary files from SIMTEL20, call
RCPM Royal Oak (MI) 313-759-6569.  You'll find them on the D: drive
there as PKS10/M.LBR and RSA11/T.LBR.

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

PKS10-M.LBR.1                  COM       9728  6C07H
RSA11-T.LBR.1                  COM      69760  DEE4H

Here's a short description of these programs:

PKS Version 1.0

     Public  Key  System routines are derived from  the  article; 
'Public  Key Cryptography:  An Introduction to a powerful crypto-
graphic system for use on microcomputers" by John Smith found  in 
BYTE magazine Volume 8, Number 1, January, 1983.

     The  routines here are MBASIC compatible and differ from the 
published  routines only in handling of the BASIC  function  RND.  
MBASIC  RND  with  an argument of zero  simply  returns  whatever 
number was last generated.   The MBASIC command RANDOMIZE is used 
to seed the random number generator with a number from 0 to 32767 
by  computing;   N  mod  32768.   This  change  appears  in  both 

RSA Version 1.1 

     The  programs RSASetUp,  RSACrypt,  and RSAClear implement a 
version  of the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (1) approach to public  key 
cryptography  using TURBO Pascal 2.0 (tm) and intended to run  in 
CP/M  2.2 (tm)  environments.   The following discussion and  the 
subroutines in these programs depend on Knuth (2). Another intro-
duction to this subject is found in Smith (3) with BASIC routines
presented  there  available  in the PKS10/M.LBR library  on  some
bulletin board systems.

     The object files were produced in a configuration such  that 
the   utility  EX or microShell (tm) may be used   to  facilitate 

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