Date : Tue, 18 Dec 1984 23:26:55 CST
From : Paul Milazzo <milazzo@rice.ARPA>
Subject: Kaypro floppy format?
I want to exchange data on 5 1/4" floppies with someone who has a
Kaypro II running CP/M 2.2, but I can't figure out the Kaypro's disk
format. If someone could describe the format in sufficient detail that
I could add a new Disk Parameter Block template to my BIOS, I'd be home
free. Thus, I need to know the density, sides, TPI, sector size, skew
factor, number of reserved tracks, allocation block size, etc.
Any information someone could supply would be a big help. If it
matters, I have an H89 running CP/M 3 with a Magnolia 77316 floppy
Please reply directly to me, and spare the List these boring details.
I'd be happy to summarize should anyone express interest.
Many Thanks,
Paul G. Milazzo
Dept. of Computer Science
Rice University, Houston, TX
ARPA: milazzo@rice.ARPA
UUCP: {cbosgd,convex,cornell,hp-pcd,shell,sun,ut-sally,waltz}!rice!milazzo