Date : Mon, 21 Jan 1985 14:37:38 GMT
From : "9-2-83"James H. 3221i" <jhw%tty3b.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Need HELP with SUBMIT
Please Help!! I have been frustrated for some time with the SUBMIT
function of CP/M. I have a Vector Graphic 1600 system running CP/M
Recently I was able to get SUBMIT to do exactly what it is supposed
to do. How ever if I try to do exactly the same thing on another
disk, all I get is some 'whirrring' of the disk drive then the system
prompt and then the drive stops and that's it!
In the back of my mind I seem to recall an article about some
SUBMIT bugs - does anyone recall. Thanks for any help.
Jim West