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Date   : Tue, 19 Feb 1985 22:23:00 MST (Tue)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: XLISP version 1.2 for CP/M-80 now available

David Betz's XLISP version 1.2 for CP/M-80 is now available
from SIMTEL20:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

PT.LQP.1                       BINARY    2688  157FH
XLBFUN.CQ.1                    BINARY    5376  7603H
XLBIND.CQ.1                    BINARY    1152  F56DH
XLCONT.CQ.1                    BINARY    4224  8807H
XLDMEM.CQ.1                    BINARY    4736  40F4H
XLEVAL.CQ.1                    BINARY    5760  A2B0H
XLFIO.CQ.1                     BINARY    6656  0727H
XLFTAB.CQ.1                    BINARY    3200  7EC6H
XLINIT.CQ.1                    BINARY    1792  AB12H
XLIO.CQ.1                      BINARY    2432  9D82H
XLISP.CQ.1                     BINARY    1408  AF8BH
XLISP.HQ.1                     BINARY    4096  7B9CH
XLISP.MQM.1                    BINARY   24576  4BDDH
XLISP12.FIX.1                  ASCII      462  7384H
XLLIST.CQ.1                    BINARY   12160  068EH
XLMATH.CQ.1                    BINARY    4480  E2B3H
XLOBJ.CQ.1                     BINARY   11648  B221H
XLPRIN.CQ.1                    BINARY    2432  EE6FH
XLREAD.CQ.1                    BINARY    5760  EAA1H
XLSTR.CQ.1                     BINARY    3200  B91FH
XLSTUB.CQ.1                    BINARY     384  C441H
XLSUBR.CQ.1                    BINARY    2048  7336H
XLSYM.CQ.1                     BINARY    3584  27F6H
XLSYS.CQ.1                     BINARY    2304  FC85H

And for those who want the whole package as one file:

XLISP12.LBR.1                  BINARY  117504  E343H

In order to conserve space on SIMTEL20 all of the above files will be
deleted after 7 days, except for the .LBR.

Suggestions, complaints, bug reports, etc. may be netmailed directly
to David Betz at the address in the message below.

I sent David a note asking about a recent message saying that Version
1.4 was the latest XLISP.  I was wondering if that was true or not.
From his reply it looks like Version 1.2 will be the last version
that can run on an 8-bit system.

---forwarded message---

Date: Tuesday, 5 February 1985  19:49-MST
From: betz at harvard.ARPA (David Betz)
Re:   [winkler: XLISP version 1.4]

The information that Dan Winkler has distributed is correct.  The
newest version of XLISP is version 1.4.  Unfortunately, it is really
too big to fit on CP/M-80 systems any more.  It does work fine under
CP/M-86 and CP/M-68K though.

       David Betz
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