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Date   : Tue, 19 Feb 1985 23:55:00 MST (Tue)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Kermit-80 version 4.05

The entire release of Kermit-80, version 4.05, except for CP4KER.MSS
(the scribe source for CP4KER.DOC) is now available in convenient
.LBR format from SIMTEL20.  All files have been squeezed except
CP4AAA.HLP.  This is a big .LBR, make sure you have room before
transferring it.  If you want only certain individual files, you can
get them via ANONYMOUS ftp from CU20B's KER: directory.

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

KERMT405.LBR.1                 BINARY  322176  3A8DH

Here is CP4AAA.HLP which explains a bit about these files:

CP/M Kermit Version 4, Guide to Files

To build CP/M Kermit Version 4 for your system, you must follow the
directions in CP4KER.DOC for combining the system-independent portion
of the program with the system-dependent overlay for your system:

CP4KER.HEX     Hex file, suitable for downloading, must be combined
               with one of the system-dependent overlays below:

CP4820.HEX      Xerox 820
CP4APL.HEX      Apple II, Z80 Softcard, 6551 ACIA in serial interface
CP4APM.HEX      Apple II, Z80 Softcard, Micromodem II in slot 2
CP4BB2.HEX      BigBoard II (terminal required)
CP4BRN.HEX      Intertec SuperBrain.
CP4CP3.HEX      "generic": CP/M 3.0 (CP/M Plus) systems (terminal req'd)
CP4DEL.HEX      Digicomp Delphi 100 (terminal required)
CP4DM2.HEX      DECmate II with CP/M option
CP4GEN.HEX      "Generic": CPM 2.2 systems with IOBYTE (terminal req'd)
CP4H89.HEX      Heath/Zenith H89.
CP4KPR.HEX      Kaypro-II (and 4; probably supports all Kaypro systems)
CP4LOB.HEX      Lobo Max-80
CP4MDI.HEX      Morrow Decision I (terminal required)
CP4MIK.HEX      MikroMikko
CP4NST.HEX      Northstar Horizon with SIO-4 board
CP4OSB.HEX      Osborne 1
CP4OSI.HEX      Ohio Scientific
CP4TEL.HEX      TELCON Zorba portable
CP4TLB.HEX      TRS-80 model II with Lifeboat 2.25C CP/M Display
CP4TPT.HEX      TRS-80 model II with Pickles + Trout CP/M Display
CP4UDI.HEX      Morrow Micro Decision I (terminal required)
CP4VEC.HEX      Vector Graphics.
CP4Z00.HEX      Z-100 under CP/M-85

Program Source:

CP4*.ASM        Kermit-80 Assembler Source for MASM, LASM, or MAC-80

Other Files:

CP4AAA.HLP      This file
CP4ASM.DOC      Instructions for building CP/M Kermit from sources
CP4KER.BWR      "Beware" file -- known bugs or limitations of current version
CP4KER.DOC      Documentation -- Kermit User Guide chapter for Kermit-80
CP4KER.MSS      Scribe text formatter source for CP4KER.DOC
CP4KER.UPD      Program update history
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