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Date   : Fri, 15 Mar 1985 23:33:23 GMT
From   : Al Schwartz <al%psivax.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Text Editor Question

In article <896@ihuxk.UUCP> db21@ihuxk.UUCP (Dave Beyerl) writes:
>   Its taken me a while, but I am finally getting around to
>reading some of the classic "how to" computer science/programming
>texts.  Currently, I am working on Kernighan & Plauger's "Software
>Tools" and have found it interesting reading.  In particular, I
>find the section on editing most interesting and am considering
>coding the editor, edit, that they present.  The text seems
>quite complete, and the exercises present some useful suggestions
>for improvements.
>For every problem there is one             Dave Beyerl
>solution which is simple, neat,                 ihuxk!db21

There is someone who has converted this editor to C and made improvements
to it.  He now sells the source code.  The product is called "RED".
For more info contact:

Edward K. Ream                 RED: $95
1850 Summit Ave.               Manual: $10
Madison, WI 53705
(608) 231-2952

Versions available:
CPM80 (requires BDS C or AZTEC CII compiler).
MSDOS (binary is shipped along with source, no compiler is required).
CPM68K (Digital Research C V1.1 is required).
Hey bud... Let's party.               Al Schwartz
                                      Pacesetter Systems Inc., Sylmar, CA 
or {seismo|citcsv|engvax|wlbr|zeus}!scgvaxd!psivax!al
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