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Date   : Sun, 17 Mar 1985 19:15:51 GMT
From   : George Smith <gbs%voder.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Text Editor Question

> In article <896@ihuxk.UUCP> db21@ihuxk.UUCP (Dave Beyerl) writes:
> >texts.  Currently, I am working on Kernighan & Plauger's "Software
> >Tools" and have found it interesting reading.  In particular, I
> >find the section on editing most interesting and am considering
> >coding the editor, edit, that they present.
> There is someone who has converted this editor to C and made improvements
> to it.  He now sells the source code.  The product is called "RED".
> For more info contact:
> Edward K. Ream                    RED: $95
> -- 
> Hey bud... Let's party.               Al Schwartz
>                                       Pacesetter Systems Inc., Sylmar, CA 

I am afraid I have to disagree with Mr Schwartz.  I have studied and
modified the code to RED (both versions that were published in Dr Dobb's).
And I have converted Kernighan & Plauger's ratfor text editor, edit, to C
(BDS C running on CPM-80 v2.2).  The only similarity is that they both
will edit text.  RED is NOT a C version of edit.  It is NOT a version of
edit with screen handling added on top.  They are very different in
command structure, internal data structures, internal code structure, etc,
as you would expect coming from two different people.  There was an
effort out of the University of Arizona to add screen handling to edit
but it was primative compared to vi or emacs (I think it was only to show
that it could be done with little effort).  I hope that this does not step
on any toes but only serves to help.

George B. Smith
National Semiconductor
...!{ihnp4!nsc | decvax!decwrl!nsc | ucbvax}!voder!gbs
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