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Date   : Tue, 19 Mar 1985 02:58:49 GMT
From   : Jerry Hollombe <hollombe%ttidcc.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: re: Wordstar postprocessors

>From: ir320@sdcc6.UUCP (ir320)
>Subject: Wordstar postprocessors
>Message-ID: <1963@sdcc6.UUCP>
>                Second:  Does anyone out there know of any way to tell
>wordstar to take the next CHARACTER verbatem (not line).

As of my latest version of Wordstar (3.3 on an Osborne 1) there's no way to
do  this  in  the  basic, vanilla version from Micropro.  I think there was
someone selling an add-on program that would give Wordstar this capability,
along with several other useful goodies, but I can't remember who.

If this is something you do a lot and consistently,  you  can  program  the
user defined keys (^Q, ^W, ^E, ^R) to insert the codes you need.

The Polymath (aka: Jerry Hollombe)
Citicorp TTI                               If thy CRT offend thee, pluck
3100 Ocean Park Blvd.                      it out and cast it from thee.
Santa Monica, CA  90405
(213) 450-9111, ext. 2483
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