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Date   : Tue, 19 Mar 1985 15:14:53 GMT
From   : etm%wuibc.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Subject: need info on CP/M cards for Apple II+


I'd looking to upgrade my Apple II+ with a CP/M card,
and would like recommendations on the best card to buy.
I've heard some cards use the Apple's memory, while others
have their own RAM (and thus can chug along at clock rates > 1MHz);
is the cost of the extra RAM worth the increased performance?
Also, will the card work with the Apple //e as well?

Finally, has anyone heard about a product for adding CP/M
to the Apple //c?  I've been hearing rumors that such a product is/will be
available, but can find no specifics about it.

Please reply via e-mail to me at:

And thanks in advance!

Ed Macke
Computer Systems Lab
Washington University
St. Louis, Mo.
Ed Macke
Computer Systems Lab
Washington University
St. Louis, Mo.
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