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Date   : Wed, 27 Mar 1985 07:15:22 GMT
From   : rchau <rchau%watrose.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: need info on CP/M cards for Apple II+

> []
> I'd looking to upgrade my Apple II+ with a CP/M card,
> and would like recommendations on the best card to buy.
> I've heard some cards use the Apple's memory, while others
> have their own RAM (and thus can chug along at clock rates > 1MHz);
> is the cost of the extra RAM worth the increased performance?
> Also, will the card work with the Apple //e as well?
> Finally, has anyone heard about a product for adding CP/M
> to the Apple //c?  I've been hearing rumors that such a product is/will be
> available, but can find no specifics about it.
> Please reply via e-mail to me at:
>           ...!ihnp4!wucs!wuibc!etm
> And thanks in advance!
> Ed Macke
> Computer Systems Lab
> Washington University
> St. Louis, Mo.
> -- 
> Ed Macke
> Computer Systems Lab
> Washington University
> St. Louis, Mo.
> ...!ihnp4!wucs!wuibc!etm

This followup should really be in the mail, but my site has
recently been returning all my mail ...so...

There is a book by Steven Frankel on the various cards availble for
the Apple II and the CP/M system in general.(The compleat book on CP/M
for Apple...this isn't the exact title as I lent out the book and
am only sure about the weird spelling of 'compleat').

Another good summary was provided by in Byte, Dec. 1984.

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