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Date   : Fri, 29 Mar 1985101:17:00-MST
From   : gwsd!revc%sdcc3@sdcsvax.ARPA
Subject: BYTE benchmark programs wanted

I'm looking for the C sources to the benchmarks that Jim Gilbreth ran
in BYTE about 2-3 years back.  (I can't find my copy of the

What I have is some AT&T 3b2's with a uucp link (no news connection
yet) to UCSD.  I'm about to let AT&T upgrade the machines to release
two, but I would like to run some tests on the machine first to see
what, if any, improvements they make.

Bob Van Cleef   ...sdcsvax!sdcc3!gwsd!revc
                            (619) 457-2701
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