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Date   : Fri, 29 Mar 1985 07:38:55-PST
From   : Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Have you used Concurrent DOS? Macrotech 80286/Z80H card?

1.     Regarding the ConcurrentDOS-816 from Compupro.  My system
center source says that Compupro is going out of its way (don't flame
at me!) to make its ConcurrentDOS INcompatible with the Macrotech
board.  This is not first-hand knowledge; this is hearsay from a
Compupro system center.

2.     Therefore, I recommend getting the Compupro 286/Z80 board set.
It has recently been reduced in price to be roughly equivalent to the
Macrotech board, and you get the advantage of the memory on the Z80

3.     About dynamic ram and other boards.  See with your own eyes
whether the combination works or not.  Usually with Compupro boards,
one finds Compupro static memory, which is worry-free.

4.     This modified system would provide VERY good performance for
the price.  Especially if you're thinking about the hard disk, etc.

5.     816 systems can run multiple users using CP/M-80 applications.

6.     For "PCDOS" applications, there's the newly available (some
still say "vaporware") PC-graphics card which will allow one to run
such PC programs as SuperCalc III (word from the same system center).
Lotus will not work on this board.  ConcurrentDOS from DRI is
scheduled to be MSDOS 2.0 compatible in the next release, though
presently it is not.

7.     C.  This I know less about, though I am not yet aware of any C
which is tailored for the 286 and runs under MSDOS/CP/M-86.  Please
let ME know if you find one/any.

                               Hope this helps 
                                       -- Sam Hahn
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