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Date   : Mon, 15 Apr 1985 18:04:45 GMT
From   : Steve Grandi <grandi%noao.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: xmodem BATCH protocols; any documentation?

I have recently seen an addendum by John Byrns to Ward Christensen's 1982 
MODEM protocol document that discusses the CRC option (both were recently
posted to net.sources).  Has anyone written down "official" protocols
for the batch file transfer mode of MODEM??  Comparing several
different programs, I find that they differ in whether or not the
file-name checksum is to be ACKed or not.  I think these two cases are
mutually exclusive!  Thus, I would like to know the "official" way of
doing things.
Steve Grandi, National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Tucson, AZ, 602-325-9228
{arizona,decvax,hao,ihnp4,seismo}!noao!grandi  noao!grandi@lbl-csam.ARPA
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