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Date   : Fri, 19 Apr 1985 16:52:48 GMT
From   : Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX <caf%omen.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: xmodem BATCH protocols; any documentation?

The MODEM7 "batch protocol" was never widely accepted because it is so
very specific to CP/M.

My understanding is that Ward is writing an article for Byte which describes
the "YMODEM" protocol extensions as used by the YAM series of programs.

A file describing the extensions is available on Telegodzilla (503-621-3746)
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX  ..!tektronix!reed!omen!caf
Omen Technology Inc 17505-V NW Sauvie IS RD Portland OR 97231
Voice: 503-621-3406    Modem: 503-621-3746
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