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Date   : Fri, 19 Apr 1985 17:51:31 GMT
From   : "R.Thomas" <rbt%sftig.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: StarCard

> I heard that the StarCard CP/M card that can be bought with 
> Wordstar is really a PCPI 6mhz card.  If this is true,
> does any one know if it comes with the CP/M utilities and
> manuals?.
> I saw a place advertising it for ~$150....
>                                     -Gadi
>                                   friedman@Ru-Topaz.Arpa
>                                   topaz!friedman

Yep!  It is just that.  The manuals that come with it are abominable.
However, there is a 50 dollar 'developers manual' available from PCPI.
I ordered one yesterday.  I'll post more info after I have looked at the
it.  I'm told that the Applicard/Starcard will not run Microsoft basic
(either Mbasic or Gbasic)  but have heard rumors that PCPI will sell
a patch to basic (one or the other or both??? Anybody know for sure?)
that solves the problem.  The Starcard comes with one 'flippy' disk
with CPM and the basic cpm utilities on it (PIP, STAT, ED, etc. but not Basic).

Rick Thomas
{ihnp4, akgua, just about anywhere}!attunix!rbt

PS -- I have also heard rumors that PCPI is 'going big blue' and is not
interested in pushing their Apple products anymore.  Could this explain the low
price for the Starcard?
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