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Date   : Wed, 17 Apr 1985 20:47:11-EST
From   : Andrew Moore <T.MOORE%MIT-EECS@MIT-MC.ARPA>

   Yes, there are various overlays available for Apple CP/M systems that
you can choose from, depending on your specific serial card/modem combination.
However, I couldn't get MXO-AC-1 to assemble correctly;  I think someone
put it together without thoroughly testing it (this is the version for the
Apple-Cat ][/212a modem under a MicroSoft-clone CP/M card).  The overlays
are available on many RCP/Ms nationwide.  Just look for the one that's
written for your particular modem (or serial card), edit it as desired, ass-
emble it, and MLOAD it into MEX.  If you have problems, try using a MODEM7
overlay -- most of these will work with MEX also.

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