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Date   : Fri, 19 Apr 1985 08:47:51 EST (Fri)
From   : Jeff Edelheit <edelheit@MITRE.ARPA>

"How can a user of a USENET host access the public domain
microcomputer software collection on the DDN/MILNET host
SIMTEL20" is being asked with increasing frequency as that
software collection continues to grow.  Unfortunately, direct
access is not possible as there is no UUCP gateway for file
transfer between SIMTEL20 (running TOPS-20) and a USENET host (as
there is for electronic mail).

(DDN, formerly known as ARPANET, is the Defense Data Network.
DDN, along with Arpanet, SATNET, SRINET, etc. are all members of 
a TCP/IP protocol-based, multiple gateway network called InterNet.)

USENET has been built on adjacent hosts voluntarily agreeing to
store-and-forward relatively short messages across the USENET
over dialup lines at 300 or 1200 bps.  In the past, helpful InterNet
users would fetch the file(s) requested and then e-mail them to
the requestor.  However, it has been pointed out that large file
transfers disrupt the service, delay the shorter messages, and
generate unacceptably large phone bills, all of which add up to
threaten the tenuous connections that some USENET hosts can
barely afford to have.  Therefore, we have been asked to
encourage InterNet users not to pass archive programs this way.

Now for the good news.  Some InterNet users, if sent a suitable disk,
will download files and return mail the floppy to the requestor.
To find a friendly InterNet user, send a message to INFO-CPM at DDN
host AMSAA.ARPA via net.micro.cpm identifying your disk format and 
your request.  Usually, someone will respond and come to your aid.
If not, don't be bashful, wait a week and try again.  But please
remember, any such arrangements are strictly between you and your
respondent.  This is not, repeat NOT, a service of either the InterNet

If the above arrangement is inconvenient, or doesn't work, here
are several other sources for public domain software.

Information (and prices) are subject to change without notice.  A
volume is usually one floppy disk.

1.  CP/M User's Group

The CP/MUG volumes are available from:

  CP/M User's Group
  1651 3rd Avenue
  New York, NY 10028

Current volumes are numbered 1 through 92 at $13 per 8" SSSD disk
(Northstar format also available).  The catalog is $6.

2.  Special Interest Group/Microcomputers (SIG/M)

 The SIG/M volumes are distributed by:

  Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey, Inc.
  Box 97
  Iselin, NJ 08830

Current volumes are numbered 000 through 172.  The first disk is
$6.00 and $5.00 for each additional disk.  The catalog is $2.

3.  New York Amateur Computer Club

PC-BLUE software volumes for the IBM-PC are available from:

  S-100, CP/M User Group
  The New York Amateur Computer Club
  P.O.  Box 106
  Church Street Station
  New York, NY  10008

The documentation files from the SIG/M and CPMUG volumes are
available in hardcopy form, grouped into "books", from the NYACC.
Each book is priced at $10 including shipping, $15 for overseas
airmail.  All orders must be prepaid.

4.  PicoNet CP/M Users Group

PicoNet, CP/MUG, and SIG/M software volumes are available from:

  P.O. Box 391566
  Mountain View, CA 94039

Available in 8" and most 5 1/4" soft sector only at $6.00 per
disk plus $1.50 shipping per order.  California residents add
6.5% sales tax.  Quantity discounts are available.

5. Other sources:

Compuserve Information Service is another source of public domain
software. There are a number of special interest groups (SIGs)
devoted to specific hardware as well as CP-MIG, the generic CP/M
SIG, a repository for a large quantity of public domain software
downloadable by the Compuserve file transer protocol (Christensen
protocol is expected by late summer, 1984). There is no charge for
access to CP-MIG other than the standard CIS connect charges, and
Compuserve can be accessed through their own communications network
or through Tymnet.

... and many Remote CP/M (RCPM) systems around the country, where
software is available for downloading for the price of a phone
call.  The May 1984 issue of Microsystems contains the full listing of
known RCPMs at the time of publication.

I would like to thank Dave Towson, Frank Wancho and Charlie Strom for all
their assistance in putting this blurb together.  If anybody out in InterNet
Land has any questions or comments about the above blurb, feel free to 
contact any one of us.

Jeff Edelheit
(edelheit at mitre)
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