Date : Tue, 30 Apr 1985 23:41:37 GMT
From : Brian Kantor <brian%sdcsvax.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Kaypro Termcap Entry - Comparison with ADM-3A
Be aware that later models of the Kaypro seem to have changed the way
their video controller works - the original Ferguson model was all TTL
and faster than all get-out --- but the later Kaypros can't scroll or
position the cursor at any sort of reasonable rate.
We have two Kaypro termcaps here at UCSD - the fast and the slow one.
The slow one has 100mS delays on cursor positioning, line addition,
deletion, and other miscellaneous things.
So if you're having troubles with the Kaypro, try slowing things down.
Brian Kantor UC San Diego
akgua >--- sdcsvax --- brian
ucbvax/ Kantor@Nosc