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Date   : Wed, 08 May 1985 21:55:05 GMT
From   : bill%persci.uucp@BRL.ARPA
Subject: SQU-PORT2 (CP/M compatible sq/usq) is posted to net.sources.

This posting replaces last week's 'sq/usq' posting, for which severe problems
were reported by a couple sites. This one has been tested at several different
sites and machines, therefore it should function properly.

Note: One user reported that he downloaded what was apparently the same
      source as I had for the sq/usq utility, from a BBS elsewhere in the
      country. He was 'fortunate', it wouldn't run at all on his system!

Bill Swan      {ihnp4|decvax|allegra|...}!uw-beaver!tikal!persci!bill
Bill Swan      {ihnp4|decvax|allegra|...}!uw-beaver!tikal!persci!bill
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