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Date   : Thu, 09 May 1985 02:46:05 GMT
From   : Kevin Kulhanek <kirk%ihopa.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: MODEM program wanted

I'm looking for a version of MODEM7 which is compatable for the Tekelec
Chameleon Protocol Tester which is running CP/M Version 2.2 from Digital
Research. The Tekelec runs on an Intel 8085.
We would like to use UMODEM to perform uploading and downloading but we
don't have the terminal emulation program that is compatable.

The terminal emulation program that we did receive is SOFTCOM. The
alternitive is to find a program comparible to UMODEM,
which runs on a VAX 11/780 running UN*X SVR2, that we can use with SOFTCOM
terminal emulation program.

Kevin Kulhanek

       Kevin Kulhanek
       AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, Il.
       (312) 979-5308
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