Date : Fri, 23 May 1986 21:15:00 MDT
From : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: xmodem protocol for un*x? (and other CP/M-related files)
Here is an abstract of what's available via FTP from SIMTEL20:
REM: (Remarks) m - man-page
r - readme
d - documentation
________ _____ ___________
AUTOFTP.DOC.1 8334 Transfers files from public-domain
archives on SIMTEL20 using the Internet
File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
BEHEAD.C.1 5416 This program strips the first 4 bytes
from a file that was ftp'd from a
TOPS-20 machine (usually a simtel 20
MICRO: directory).
COMHEX.C.1 2180 Comhex reads .COM format from the named
COMHEX.MAN.1 841 files (standard input is default),
converts it to the Intel HEX format and
writes it on standard output. REM: m
CPM.MAN.1 1405 Programs that combine to create a
complete binary and text file transfer
facility between UNIX and CP/M. REM: m
CPMUNIX.C.1 2638 CPMUNIX reads CP/M text format from the
CPMUNIX.MAN.1 855 named files (standard input is default),
converts it to the UNIX text format and
writes it to standard output. REM: m
CPMUTL7.C.2 37498 This program reads and writes cpm format
CPMUTL7.MSG.1 784 floppy disks. CPM is a trademark of
Digital Research.
CRCK2.C.1 5744 Calculate and prints a 16-bit CRC value
CRCK2.MAN.1 2891 and either a CP/M 128-byte sector count
or the byte count for the named files.
Used to validate files transferred
between UNIX and CP/M type operating
systems. REM: m
CRIFY.C.1 269 Handles newlines, squeeze, and transmit
CRIFY.MSG.1 626 a UNIX text file.
DIR11.C.2 8057 DIR is an enhanced directory display
utility for UNIX. It produces a sorted
listing of file names and sizes in two
columns, and the files are sorted down
the columns.
GET20..1 3527 Proc "get 20" transfers a file from
SIMTEL20. If user does not have a
.netrc (auto-login) file, one will be
created for him.
HEXIFY.C.1 2278 Intel conversion program which converts
standard input to intel format onto
standard output.
ITSTONORM.C.1 387 ITS-to-normal is to be used as a filter
ITSTONORM.MAN.1 714 to convert the ITS file at STDIN to a
"normal" file at STDOUT. ITS-to-normal
is used to convert a file whose format
is an ITS binary image into a "normal"
binary file.
LAR.C.1 14980 A UNIX program to manipulate CP/M LU
format libraries. Primary use of lar is
to combine several files together for
upload/download to a personal computer.
LDIR-LTYPE.MSG.1 1302 This program is intended for use on RCPM
LDIR-LTYPE.SHAR.1 14372 systems to allow callers to see the
contents of the directories of .LBR files
on the system.
LOAD.C.1 1331 Converts a hex file to a com file.
NORMTOITS.C.1 390 Normal-to-ITS is used to convert a file
NORMTOITS.MAN.1 701 whose format is as a "normal" binary
image into an ITS binary file. It is
designed to be used as a filter,
accepting input from stdin and writing
output to stdout. REM: m
RB.1.3 4854 Rb receives 0 or more files in batch
mode. If file specified, a single file
is received in XMODEM single file mode.
REM: m
RB-217.C.1 18475 Program for UNIX which can receive files
RB-217.MAN.2 5650 from computers running YAM or MODEM. If
no filename given, YAM batch mode is
assumed. REM: m
SB.1.3 3608 Sends one or more files with YMODEM batch
protocol. REM: m
SB-222.C.1 14743 A small program for UNIX which can send
SB-222.MAN.2 4109 one or more files in batch mode to
computers running YAM. REM: m
SQU-PORT2.SHAR.1 44835 Sq compresses one or more files, using a
Huffman coding scheme. Usq decompresses
or displays one or more files squeezed
by sq. REM: m
TMODEM.C.1 4563 Modem is UNIX support for the "MODEM"
TMODEM.MAN.1 590 protocol. This modem protocol allows
for synchronization on both ends, and
for error checking/recovery. REM: m
UC13.MAN.1 12924 UC is a file transfer tool which runs on
UNIX. It allows the user to transfer
files between UNIX and CP/M systems,
verify the integrity of transferred files
via Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value
computation, and perform other functions
useful in file transfer.
UC16.C.1 38241 A UNIX-to-CP/M file transfer shell.
UCBOOT.C.1 4480 Program which receives a file via FTP3,
converts it into UNIX text file format
from CP/M text file format, and stores
it under the names ucboot.txt.
UMODEM35.MAN.1 4917 UNIX-based remote file transfer
facility. Umodem uses the Christensen
protocol to transfer files to and from
CP/M systems.
UMODEM37.C.1 45039 UMODEM implements the CP/M User's Group
XMODEM protocol, thru TERM II File
Transfer Protocol (FTP) number 1, and
then TERM II File Transfer Protocol
Number 4 for packetized file up/
UNIXCPM.C.1 1338 Unixcpm reads the named UNIX files and
UNIXCPM.MAN.1 643 replaces them with corresponding CP/M
text file format files. REM: m
UNSOFT.C.1 5275 Program to convert Wordstar Document-
Mode files to plain vanilla, non-
document, ascii format.
USQ17U.C.1 6844 CP/M compatible file unsqueezer utility.
XMODEM.C.1 21258 The xmodem program implements the
XMODEM.MAN.1 2624 Christensen (CP/M Users Group) file
XMODEM.PRN.1 3199 transfer protocol for moving files
between 4.2BSD UNIX systems and
microcomputers. REM: m
XSQ.MAN.1 1495 Xsq/sq is used to compress files for
data transfer. Xusq/usq is used to
uncompress files which were compressed
by xsq/sq. REM: m
XSQ107.C.1 22349 CP/M compatible file squeezer utility.
XTYPE107.C.1 6575 Types regular or squeezed files.
XUSQ107.C.1 6576 CP/M compatible file unsqueezer utility.
--Keith Petersen
uucp: {ihnp4,allegra,cmcl2,dual,decvax,mcnc,mcvax,vax135}!seismo!w8sdz
GEnie mail: W8SDZ
RCP/M: 313-759-6569