Date : Sun, 25 May 1986 19:23:00 EDT
From : Manasseh Katz <MKATZ%UMDB.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
Subject: Yippeeee !!!!!!!!!!
As I am sure you remember, for the last couple of months I have
been trying to increase the number of directory entries on my Altos running
MPM from 1024 to 2048. I am not sure exactly how I finally got it to
work, but I did. Thank you to everyone who offered advice, I probably
wouldn't have made it without your help and a little help from above.
Once I am sure this is working (I'll give it a few days to make sure),
I would like to get a C compiler. Does anyone have any recommendations
for a C compiler for MPM-86? Any compiler for CPM-86 should work
just fine. I know someone with Concurrent CPM and Desmet C, and I know
the DRI compiler would work. I do not need a large memory model, and
price, while not absolutely critical, is a factor. Please reply directly
to me (MKATZ@UMDB.BITNET or something like that). Once again, thanks
to everyone who helped.
Manasseh Katz