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Date   : Thu, 16 Oct 1986 2301:00
From   : "Exit, pursued by a bear" <binder%asd.DEC@dec.ARPA>
Subject: Funny behaviour with Apple //e and StarCard

I've just added a StarCard to my //e, and it's causing the //e to go bonkers 
when CTRL-openapple-RESET is pressed to reboot, regardless of whether CP/M or 
Apple activity was in progress.  The machine starts writing garbage all
through the hi-res screen, and it begins a high-pitched whistle through the
speaker, like a TV horizontal oscillator gone bananas.  If I then press
CTRL-RESET, the machine will reboot.  The SoftCard I took out did not cause
this anomaly. 

Any ideas?

Dick Binder   (The Stainless Steel Rat)

DEC Enet:      ASD::BINDER
UUCP:          { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!asd.dec.com!binder
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