Date : Sun, 26 Oct 1986 07:50:00 PDT
From : "Mr. Bill" <CADS072%CALSTATE.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
Subject: Apple CP/M and RAMdrives
I was wondering if anyone out there can help me. I am using
CP/M on my enhanced Apple //e. I now have the need for using
files greater than the size of an Apple 5.25" disk. It must be
one continuous file so I can't break it into multiple disks. I
am now considering purchasing either a RAMcard (probably AE
Ramfactor so it would be compatible with a //gs if/when I
upgrade/purchase one.) or a 3.5" 800K drive (probably from
Central Point). I would like to know if anyone has used either
of these with Apple CP/M. I am using Microsoft CP/M ver 2.23.
It's dated 1982, so I doubt it will recognize Apples new
disk drive protocols. I need to know what, if anything, I
would need to do to get CP/M do recognize these. Do I need
to get a newer version of CP/M or will either of these come
with the software. My setup is as follows:
Slot Peripheral
1 Grappler parallel printer card
2 Apple SSC
6 Apple disk drive controller
7 ALS Z-card
This only leaves either slot 4 or 5 for the new device.
Any help would be appreciated.
Bill Wood