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Date   : Sun, 26 Oct 1986 19:41:38 PST (Sun)
From   : tektronix!copper.TEK.COM!michaelk@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: New version of CP/M CCP with csh history available

An update to "CCP104+.LBR" is now available from the simtel20 archive.
Used is the name "CCP105P.ARC" instead of "CCP105+.ARC" because the "+" is
a reserved character in Tops-20.

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

Directory PD:<CPM.CPM3>
CCP105P.ARC.1                  BINARY  126592  3993H


Mike Kersenbrock
Sept 1986
Aloha, Oregon
USENET: tektronix!copper!michaelk

Version 1.05 incorporates the following features (over and above 1.04):

1.     Provides a built-in history mechanism similar to that in
       Berkeley-Unix's CSH ("sea-shell").  Included is a built-in
       command "h" that diplays the history.  See beginning of
       package's file "history.doc" for more details.

2.     Provides detached enhancement ability.  An additional routine can be
       executed just before the history routine.  If a file named
       "CCP.EXT" exists on the "temporary disk" (set by setdef), then for
       each command line processed by CCP, that routine is loaded to
       address 6000 (hex) and "called".

       The intended purpose of this "hook" is to allow a HLL or MLL
       routine to be written for easy enhancements.  The language in
       mind is "C", and an example test case has been provided in the

3.     Provides a fix to CP/M Plus's handling of lines that start with a colon.
       "With" the fix, the "return code" is NOT reset with every command line
       executed, but IS reset upon cold boot.

       The purpose of this is to allow this author's port of the
       "Aussie-Make" to properly terminate make-execution upon
       an step-wise error (I posted this "make" to net.micro.cpm).

       For this to work, one's compilers, linkers, assemblers, etc need
       to set the return-status upon error.  I have included in my
       distribution, several RSX examples -- the ones I use on several
       of my software tools -- that cause my software to set the
       return-status.  They should be easy to modify for "your" tools.

4.     I reinstituted the conditional-assembly flag that when used,
       makes the user NOT be in the prompt when the user number
       is ZERO.  This author doesn't use non-0 user spaces,
       and likes a "non-busy" prompt.  Set the other way, the original
       code is reinstituted, so there shouldn't be a problem with other
       people's builds.  

5.     With these features, the CCP remains less than 4K (albeit, getting
       close).  All added enhancements are conditionally assembled.

6.     Quite a few auxillary files are included into the distribution
       for development use.  Some may be useable "asis", and some should
       be useable as templates that can be modified for other systems.
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