Date : Tue, 24 Feb 1987 17:08:54 MET
From : U267105%HNYKUN11.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU
Subject: UnARC'ing and UUdecoding on the mainframe
Date: 23 February 1987, 17:10:39 MET
From: Jos Grote Punt 080-566793 U267105 at HNYKUN11
Thanks everyone for the hints about the CP/M cartridge for the Commodore 64.
It really works! At first I was afraid it wouldn't, because people were talking
about NTSC and so and here in Europe we have another video-system, called PAL.
Also there were newer 64's that did work with the cartridge!
But I just exchanged the VIC's so everything works fine now.
I have another question:
Most files on ARCHIVE-REQUEST are send arc'ed, squeezed and/or uudecoded.
It takes a lot of work to download them and only afterwards you can see if
they're useful.
Is there anyone who knows a UNARC, LU and/or UUDECODE program to do it on
an VM/CMS system?
At the moment we have no C-compiler here, but if it's necessary this can change
Jos Grote Punt