Date : Thu, 26 Feb 1987 14:17:21 GMT
From : adm!
Subject: re: USART-8251 mode byte
The mode byte bits are as follows:
Bits 7-6: Number of stop bits
00: invalid
01: 1 bit
10: 1.5 bits
11: 2 bits
Bit 5: Parity type
0: odd
1: even
Bit 4: Parity enable
0: disable
1: enable
Bits 3-2: Character length (not including parity bit)
00: 5 bits
01: 6 bits
10: 7 bits
11: 8 bits
Bits 1-0: Clock multiplier
00: Sync mode
01: 1X
10: 16X
11: 64X
Thus 07AH is the correct setting for Seven bits, even parity, one stop bit,
16X clock. 05AH is the same with odd parity.
Frank Prindle