Date : Mon, 23 Mar 1987 09:56:55
From : hanscom@lll-es-s05 (Roger Hanscom 423-0441)
Subject: converting a CP/M operation to IBM PC
> Message-Id: <LIN.12288442266.BABYL@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
> Subject: converting a CP/M operation to IBM PC
>I currently run a Compupro S-100 system with CPM 2.2 or MPM 8/16 -- 8
>inch floppies. Any ideas how I can transfer my important stuff
>(documents, spreadsheets, databases) to an IBM-compatible layout?
>I guess what I need is some way to write all my files onto a 5 1/4
>inch floppy that my IBM can read.
One of the best (and cheapest!) ways I have found for ASCII and text
files is to get a copy of the pd comm. program QMODEM (for the Clone)
and use an RS 232 link. Quick and easy. QMODEM has a very nice
download feature, that lets you capture everything that comes over
the serial line. I have used this method with a Cromemco S-100
w/8" disks, and it works great. In fact, the Cromemco uses an RS 232
device for the console, so the IBM (Clone) with QMODEM makes a great
DUMB TERMINAL from which I can run the S-100. I have even gone as
far as DUMPing small .COM files, moving the dump text as above, and
then using a TURBO-PASCAL program on the clone to put them back in
binary. You could do the same thing with HEXIFY/LOAD (assuming you
can transfer copies of those guys some other way first). DUMP is a
rude and crude approach, but it's easy!
While I'm at'll need a good editor (I use a copy of micro-
EMACS I got from the C-user group pd software), and the pd disk utility
DT is pretty good for looking at the internals of files on the Clone.
Both are available for next to nothing. Good luck.