Date : Wed, 05 Dec 1990 18:51:08 GMT
From : usc!!!emory!ogicse!!wrgate!dadla! (Donald C. Kirkpatrick)
Subject: Hard drive for Kaypro II?
In article <1990Nov29.190503.22637@simasd.uucp> (Don
Maslin) writes:
>Give Brian a call at Emerald Microware 503/641-0347
> P.O. Box 1726
> Beaverton OR 97075
>They market a kit that includes software, host board, and controller card for
>the Kaypro. It is about $250. You supply the drive.
I read this article on Thursday, November 29. The next day I tucked my
Kaypro under my arm, grabed a hard disk with my other hand, and payed
Emerald Microware a visit. On the following Tuesday, I picked up my
machine with a new (to me) 20 meg hard drive. That's what I call
The price was $245 for the kit and $100 to install it. Emerald Microware
really knows Kaypros and CP/M.
Thanks for the tip Don.
-Don Kirkpatrick (donk@dadla.LA.TEK.COM)
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