Date : Fri, 11 Jan 1991 09:58:33 PST
From : (R. Hanscom)
Subject: Using MediaMaster and Uniform (was Re: Osborne1 to Kaypro 2X)
In <>
(shannon nelson) writes:
......stuff deleted
> number of off-the-wall systems. However, I have noticed that I usually
> must format the transfer diskette with MM or Uniform before copying the
......more stuff deleted
This is a hint given in the documentation, but in my case, it didn't help.
I tried lots of different combinations, without success. I guess I have
no problem with these programs; they are *VERY* useful *IF* they work.
My problem is that the vendor makes expansive claims about the formats
that they can process, and the warning to potential users is that these
claims *CAN* be untrue. Be careful!! Particularly if the format you are
interested in reading is single-density and/or not-so-common.
Even worse, in the case of MediaMaster, phone calls to the vendor for
help were treated as a nuisance. Then you are really stuck.
Again, the bulk of these comments are directed toward the MediaMaster
product. I have little experience with Uniform or 22Disk.
roger icf!