Date : Mon, 25 Feb 1991 17:57:42 GMT
From :!!!njin!uupsi!sunic!dkuug!imada! (Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen)
Subject: Unsqueezing, Uncrunching, Delbr, and Uncompress
Some time ago somebody asked about how to recreate the contents of a
compacted file. There is various methods which is all supported by
numerous utility programs, that are all very well written.
Among these I stumbeled over a mailserver with some very interesting
programs on it, one of these being EXL which is written by David P.
The original description follows...
----- cut here ----- part 1 ----- cut here -----
/send help sends help for rna
/send index sends a list of available files
[descriptions left out]
exl: A program to type squeezed (.?Q?), crunched (.?Z?), and LZH
compressed (.?Y?) files. It can also type from a .LBR library
file, either an uncompressed member, or one compressed as above;
and it can also send output to the printer, and extract single
files to disk. This is a preliminary release, but it may prove
useful for unwrapping .?Y? files. The final version will include
a filesweep mode for uncompressing multiple files either on disk,
or extracting multiple files from a .LBR
Written by David P. Goodenough, Current version *preliminary*
[more descriptions left out]
----- cut here ----- end of part 1 ----- cut here -----
I do not know if a later version has been released but I have used this
*preliminary version* since about early autum, and found it VERY handy.
You can actually "TYPE" a crunched text file within a library with one
Unfortunately, the errormessages are not always very descriptive, which
once in a while is a bit confusing.
If anyone is interested you can send a letter to
with ONE line in it saying
"/send help" or "/send exl"
but it may take some time. Otherwise, e-mail me, and I will send you my
copy (uudecoded).
Thorbj\o{}rn Ravn Andersen