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Date   : Wed, 27 Feb 1991 06:36:15 GMT
From   : sun-barr!newstop!texsun!digi!harlie!mitch@apple.com
Subject: Unsqueezing, Uncrunching, Delbr, and Uncompress

In his message of 25 Feb 91 17:57:42 GMT, ravn@imada.dk (Thorbjoern Ravn
Andersen) states:
>[...] I stumbeled over a mailserver with some very interesting
>programs on it, one of these being EXL which is written by David P.
>/send help sends help for rna
>/send index sends a list of available files

  This is not quite the format of the commands to give to the server.
  The "/send" line also must include a destination address.

  The correct format is:

       /send help to your-address-here

            - and -

       /send index to your-address-here

Note that addresses are checked before files are sent out, so mistakes
are usually caught and redirected to the proper destination.

David Goodenough is actively adding to his library of CPM utilities,
so expect more programs to appear as time goes by.

* mitch@harlie.lonestar.org                Mitch Mitchell "Virago Rider" *
* {uunet | texsun | sulaco}!digi!mmitchel      Voice Mail (214) 519-3257 *
* {letni | supernet | egsner | mic}!harlie!mitch FidoNet: 1:124/4115.224 *

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