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Date   : Wed, 27 Feb 1991 06:21:16 GMT
From   : agate!bionet!uwm.edu!linac!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.pitt.edu!fmgst@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Filip Gieszczykiewicz)
Subject: ZCPR.

In article <i73ZX1w163w@austex> roadhog@austex (Lindsay Haisley) writes:

[stuff deleted]

>and much MUCH more.  You can download vs. 3.3 from my bbs listed below, or
>from any of the Znodes around the country.  Znode 3 is one of the primary
>sources for ZCPR and related software.  The number is 617-965-7259.  Zcpr 
>3.4 is a commercial product ($70) but well worth the investment since it 
>saves the considerable time and frustration of assembling all the elements

       Greetings. I beg to differ. The copy of ZCPR 3.3 that is currently
       running on my Kaypro 10 was FTPed from simtel20.army.mil. The .LBR
       included both sources and ready .COM files. I had to mess around
       a bit but not touch the assembler even once. 

[more deleted]

       If you have a Kaypro 10 and want ZCPR 3.3, read on, else hit "n"

>                              Lindsay Haisley
>"Everything works if you let it!"
> ---  Travis J. Redfish
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>uucp: austex!roadhog@emx.utexas.edu  OR  roadhog%austex.uucp@emx.utexas.edu
> BBS: (512) 259-1261 (Z-Node 77 - aka - Kaypro Club of Austin)

       If you want to download from simtel, ftp to "simtel20.army.mil"
       at OFF PEAK hours - like 2 AM EST ;-) - and do this:

       login: anonymous
       password: <your usual username>
       > cd pd2:<cpm.kaypro>
       > hash
       > tenex
       > get k10z33.lbr             [for a Kaypro 10]
       > quite

       Transfer this to your Kaypro and un-LBR it and read the READ.ME
       and *.DOC files. It took me 25 min to install ZCPR 3.3.

       Take care.
"The Force will be with you, always." It _is_ with me and has been for 11 years
Filip Gieszczykiewicz  "... a Jedi does it with a mind trick... " ;-)
FMGST@PITTVMS  or  fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu "My ideas. ALL MINE!!"

End of INFO-CPM Digest V91 Issue #46
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