Date : Sat, 20 Apr 1991 04:23:29 GMT
From : mips!!! (Carol Coates)
Subject: Re: Help: Tandon Disk Drive & Xebek controller
In article <> writes:
>Help! I have an ICL model 35 computer running MP/M ver. 2.4f3. Recently
>the hard disk died ( it was a 10 meg Rodime model RO 200 ) and I got
>hold of second hand 5 meg Tandon model TM 501 to replace it. However it
>doesn't work. I suspect I need to change the jumper settings on the drive.
>So, If someone has details of the jumpers of the Tandon drive they would be
>much apreciated. The hard disk controller in the ICL is a Xebek Systems
>model 104526 (at least thats the only number written on it). The jumper
>settings for this would also be good.
Greetings. I tried that with my Kaypro 10. I had a few 6 meg
hard drives and I wanted to use them with my K10, which came
with a 10 meg.
The first problem was getting all the jumpers.
The second and terminal problem was that my format
program required a drive with 4 heads and 305 cylinders.
Those are the specs for a 10MB unit, not a 6MB one - when
I tried to format, it failed.
And third, even if you convince the format program to format
only 2 heads and 305 cyliners (5MB specs), how will you tell
CP/M that? In my K10, CP/M can only access 8MB and the drive
was split into A: and B: (C: for floppy). Well, I got it to
format only A: but then ran a program that bombed because
there was no drive B: (or something like that).
Get a new 10MB unit! For a new, expect to pay ~$70 and for a
used ~$35
Take care.