MDFS::Docs.Books.YofWhitby Search

The Yards of Whitby

A complete plan of the yards of Whitby at a scale of 1:1250, about 50 inches to a mile. It shows all the yards as they currently are, giving all their names. No other map ever published has shown all the yards in such detail and completeness. Includes an index and quick location reference.

I am currently trying to organise getting this reprinted. The map is available electronically here. You are free to use it for personal use.
map112.gif 3.68M10050x13950 pixels670x930mmFull size hand-drawn original with updates and corrections from 2008-2019
map112.pdf 2.09M10050x13950 pixels670x930mmFull size hand-drawn original with updates and corrections from 2008-2019
YofW-A3nw.pdf 1.08M5100x7000 pixels 340x470mmA3 quarter sheet
YofW-A3ne.pdf 820K5100x7000 pixels 340x470mmA3 quarter sheet
YofW-A3sw.pdf 1.00M5100x7000 pixels 340x470mmA3 quarter sheet
YofW-A3se.pdf 844K5100x7000 pixels 340x470mmA3 quarter sheet
YofWA3.gif 1.23M4765x6614 pixels 297x420mmA3 summary map
YofWA4.gif 465K2382x3306 pixels 210x297mmA4 summary map
StreetList 42K Street list of yard locations
YardList 31K Alphabetical yard location list
Existing 12K Existing yards in 2009
Index 8K Yard location index
Gazetteer   Yards Gazetteer
Browser   Yards map browser
Old versions from 1986 here for reference:
map100.tif 420K9824x13330 pixelsFull size hand-drawn original
map100.gif 1.15M9824x13330 pixelsFull size hand-drawn original

Here is an extract from the 1905 Ordnance Survey 1:1250 plan of Whitby, showing the railway station. As can be seen, the yards are shown, but very few of them are named. This image is from the Godfrey Edition reprint, available for £2.10 in many bookshops.

Authored by J.G.Harston - Last update: 30-Sep-2019