MDFS::Docs.Geography.Sealand Search

Principality of Sealand

Sealand is located in the southern part of the North Sea some six miles off the coast of Britain and from sixty-five to one hundred miles from the coasts of France, Belgium, Holland and Germany; Latitude 51.53 North, Longitude 01.28 East; GB Grid Reference TM:3964:2743.

Sealand was founded as a sovereign Principality in 1967 on Rough Tower in what had been international waters. Principle exports are stamps and electronic communications services.


Sealand, off the coast of England


50-mile radius map

10-mile radius map

1-mile radius map

1-mile radius map

Best viewed with Any Browser Valid HTML 4.0! Authored by J.G.Harston - Last updated: 12-Aug-2004